La Alberca

Spanje, Kastilien und León

Eerst weer studie van 10 tot 14 uur in de Academia Mester en daarna eten bij ons gastgezin.
Om 15.30 moesten we present zijn voor een excursie naar La Alberca.
Om 19.30 een echte Spaanse maaltijd in een ondergrondse Bodega in het dorpje El Perdigon in de buurt van Zamora.
We zien en bezoeken veel.

La Alberca is a municipality in the province of Salamanca in the autonomous community of Castilla y León, Spain. It is the capital of Sierra de Francia Comarca.

The Plaza Major
The Plaza Major
In 2003, the population of La Alberca was 1105, and the area 60.73 km2 (23.45 sq mi). Its altitude is 1,048 metres (3,438 ft) above sea level.

The Carmelite convent of Batuecas Desert, established by Thomas á Jesu is located five kilometres away, but the route there from the town is 12 km.

La Alberca is a municipality in the province of Salamanca in the autonomous community of Castilla y León, Spain. It is the capital of Sierra de Francia Comarca.

The Plaza Major
The Plaza Major
In 2003, the population of La Alberca was 1105, and the area 60.73 km2 (23.45 sq mi). Its altitude is 1,048 metres (3,438 ft) above sea level.

The Carmelite convent of Batuecas Desert, established by Thomas á Jesu is located five kilometres away, but the route there from the town is 12 km.
The Parish Church of Our Lady of the Assumption dates from the 18th century. Interestingly, it was completed in the same year as the New Cathedral of Salamanca (in 1733). It has a notable pulpit of polychrome granite from the 16th century and is renowned for the Blessed Christ of the Sweat.

The church tower was built about 212 years before the present church, paid for by the first Duke of Alba, with his coat of arms visible in a corner of the Tower. It was recorded in 1693 that there was a clock and bells in the tower. The chronicles state that "in 1520 the campaign to construct the set of bells was completed by collecting the albercanos rings, silver jewelery and smelt..."

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