Teacher Training Spring 2015

Thailand, Phang-Nga

Teacher Training Spring 2015 was hosted in the Sentido Graceland Khao Lak Resort & Spa, 9 weeks long, from 19 April till 21 June. These were 9 unforgetable weeks, it was hard work both fysically and mentally. Together with other 174 yoga-trainees we followed a very strict program of 11 bikram classes per week (2x a day @ 9am and 5pm), lecture sessions in afternoons and evenings, late-night movies (bollywood films of at least 3 hours+ each), anatomy-classes, exams, posture clinics, & in between we could have some fun as well ;)
I enjoyed the hot-long yoga sessions in the very big hot room. It was really challenging sometimes, it was so humid, so hot.... But I trained my mind not to leave the hotroom because of the heat. After each class I was so enlightened, happy & fulffilled. Yes, another class passed! During the weeks I could feel my body really developing stronger & bulletproof. One time, I cut myself per accident in my finger (very deep), it was bleeding a lot the first day. But a couple of days later it was already healed, and the wound was closed again. Still a mark of course, but so fast... it was remarkeble!! My cells were renewing at a much faster pace than before!
I've made some wonderfull friends during TT, I will never forget. Some of them I still see & meet nowadays. The place where we stayed was really great, the beach so close, it was perfect! Although we had to study and practice a lot, we could always have a nice rest near the beach, drink a coconut, get a massage, or get some sunshine :)
Yes, I had a great time, but I was also very glad when graduation was finally there!! I was in the demonstration group on graduation as well. It was a real honour to be part of this group and able to demonstrate the 26 postures of the Bikram Series in a performing session on stage. And then finally, my certificate, the real proof of the hard work & intensive training. Yes, I'm now certified to a real Bikram Yoga Teacher!!

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Al 16 reacties bij dit reisverslag

congrats lina!! goed gedaan!!:)

colette 2015-07-23 11:24:34

Leuk!!! Lekker genieten.

Cangül 2015-07-23 11:41:59

Good job! Geniet ervan:)

Yvette 2015-07-23 12:00:30

Klinkt geweldig Lieve Lina!!! Gefeliciteerd en geniet van al de nieuwe ervaringen ben super trots op je.

Denise 2015-07-23 12:40:15

Van harte Lina! Leuke foto's en leuk om te lezen dat je echt aan het genieten bent en er veel voldoening uit haalt!

Jessica 2015-07-23 12:43:09

Lieve Lina van harte gefeliciteerd! En wat een mooie foto's!

Rishma 2015-07-23 14:50:19

Prachtig zoals jij gaat Lina. Hoop dat je gauw een beslissing kan nemen; waar te vestigen. Nu eerst oriënteren.

Eileen en Tex 2015-07-23 17:37:22

Gefeliciteerd, lieve Lien! Ben super trots op je!! Ik wens dat heeeeel veel mensen in heel veel landen jouw mooie persoonlijkheid mogen leren kennen! E N J O Y !!

Nienke 2015-07-23 20:18:13

Dear Lina, CONGRATZ?? can't wait till I have my Bikram class with you as my lovely teacher. XxPeggy?

Peggy Willems 2015-07-24 07:42:56

Hi Lina, Wow PROFICIAT, ik ben trots op je. Gaaf dat je dit gedaan hebt. Hoor graag waar je jouw Bikram school gaat openen ik ben er bij.

Ouafaa 2015-07-24 09:11:51

Gefeliciteerd Lina!! goed gedaan!

Ilona 2015-07-24 12:43:58

Hallo lieve Lina, wat een mooi verslag en foto's! Ik ben zo trots op je! Ik wens je het allerbeste en een supermooie nieuwe levensstijl als Bikram Yoga Teacher :) Veel liefs en dikke knuffel

Carol 2015-07-24 14:19:07

Lieve Lina, wat een mijlpaal. Echt GEWELDIG! Zo gaaf waar je nu staat en zo'n mooi pad er naar toe. Heel blij voor je!

Susan 2015-07-24 22:18:23

chica!! Lekker bezig daar!! Geniet nog van je tijd daar en zie je als je terug bent!!!

Li Ge 2015-07-27 17:00:18

Top zus gefeliciteerd Fijn om te lezen dat je het zo naar je zin hebt Blessings

Jaap 2015-07-28 07:44:51

Wonderfull to see you growing in your passion and how much joy I read in your words! Lovely journey x Rolana

Rolana saadi 2015-07-28 08:37:25

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